Fully Decentralized Competition
Is Finally Here

Powered by Smart Contracts and the Blockchain

Open or join a Dota2 challenge, put your 1ST tokens at stake, and compete to win.
Show off your impressive MMR as you win games and climb the leaderboard.
Stake your 1ST tokens and get randomly selected to check game results as an automatic witness.
Volunteer to host a game lobby and earn a 1ST fee for your services every time you do.
Jury duty
Stake your 1ST tokens and judge how to resolve disputes when players question the results.
Earn as a winner, witness, host, and juror -- all fees and winnings go to the network participants.

Powered by blockchain

The FirstBlood dapp is fully open source, and hosted on GitHub. There are no servers, just smart contracts running on the Ethereum blockchain. The smart contracts have undergone a professional, external security audit.
